Techniques for Self-Awareness :

Personality improvement begins with knowing oneself and few techniques given:

Maliha Ayub
4 min readJan 3, 2022
Cultivate better version of you through self awareness and knowing yourself.
Self Awareness & Improvement

To say self-awareness is the key to success would be wrong. On the other hand, it can also be correct. Knowing oneself is key to making wise decisions. We often look at others to motivate us or to suggest we do something. For example, we are planning a vacation but seem to have a hard time deciding between Mauritius and Singapore, because we lack self-awareness. Why don’t we know what our priorities are at exactly the right point in our lives? Confused with a variety of issues, choices, and suggestions? We are ignorant about ourselves, and hence, confusions and questions arise. World is working on the topic Self Awareness, infect , Harvard Business have published an article for better understanding.

As I was writing about productivity boosters, I realized that those would vary based on the individual. Then, as things progressed, I began to work on it and gain some points that will assist with your self-awareness. By knowing yourself, you will surely strive to improve and create a better version of yourself.

Let’s start by implementing some practices to achieve our goal! Understanding your self

Pick up the paper and pen to answer below questions at first.

  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?

The answers to the above two fundamental questions will reveal what you are good at and what you are not. For example, when it comes to myself, I am good at learning but terrible at communicating. Lol!! Don’t take anything too seriously. Returning to the topic, these two events taught me that I can overcome my shortcomings by relying on my talents. This, I believe, is a world of possibilities where that anyone can do whatever they desire. What we really need here is a connecting capability for how to get things done with my assets or my range of resources.

Second, analyzing emotions, such as how you react in a particular setting or scenario. Emotional awareness is a valuable tool that can rescue us from crumbling in front of a crowd of individuals. Self-emotional awareness comes by writing down all of your past situations on paper and then annotating how you reacted at the time what could’ve been a better response. If a similar situation comes to fruition, you will undoubtedly react much stronger and more resilient as a result of your practice. For example, if I am aware that a situation may arise in a meeting and that upper management would question me about it, I may prepare accordingly. Instead of getting confused about what I’ll answer, I’d rather finish my homework, if got anxiety attack during last meet up. This will be accomplished through practicing emotional reactions to surroundings.

Responses and reactions to several environmental actions. E.g Emotional
Emotional Understanding

Values and public persona are two basic traits that can be improved in order to become a lot better person professionally or personally. Without principles, a person has no objectives, and 70% of people do not comprehend what is moral or immoral. One who bargains on values does so at the cost of his character. And the term “character trade-off” refers to a settlement between personality qualities. You will undoubtedly be a benchmark “A Man of Principles” if you write down the genuine values in your life and make them standards, promising yourself not to go against them..

Now, at a professional level, simply put yourself to the test and explore your passion, work/person, or position that most inspires you. How are you going to do it? Simply keep a close check on yourself and consider the day you felt really content at your desk, as well as the task you completed that earned you happiness and contentment. Keep practicing, and you’ll be able to give maximum of your potential, next time that assignment is assigned to you.

Though the information provided above is not exhaustive, it does provide some fundamental guidelines for determining which areas of your life require maintenance. By comparing “before” and “after,” you may see how self-awareness leads to self-improvement, which will satisfy you most personally and professionally.

Wish you all a great start!!!



Maliha Ayub

I'm Maliha an enthusiastic entrepreneur and finance expert. Having expertise in stock and forex trading. Connect me via email